Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Australia, Sydney

When I think of Australia, it goes to kangaroo .... 
Kangaroo have been an icon for Australia. She has a long leg and a long tail. The long leg is powerful. The female have a pouch to carry the new baby Kangaroo


One of tourist destination in Sydney is Paddy's Market. 
It's not just a market because Sydney's Paddy's Market is an Australian Icon. 
The market open from Friday to Sunday.

Can you find the turtle? Because it's called the Turtle Rock

Golden Water Mouth located in China Town, Sydney
It was made from a dead tree and a symbol of luck for the community

Bondi Beach
The famous beach and become one of tourist destination in Sydney. 
People love to swim, surf and sunbake or just walking around.

1 comment:

  1. hi Iwan,
    I received your card on Prambanan. Please email me your address so that I can send one from India. Thanks a lot



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